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What are the Side Effects of Microchipping in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to ensure your pet's security is through pet microchipping. This modern technology is a safe and efficient method of keeping track of your pet, ensuring they can be easily identified should they ever get lost or separated from you.

Understanding the Process of Microchipping in Dogs


Microchipping in dogs is a simple procedure that can be done by a qualified veterinary professional. The microchip, enclosed in biocompatible glass, is pre-loaded in a sterile syringe and injected under the loose skin between the shoulder blades. The whole process takes only a few seconds and is no more painful than a typical vaccination.

Once the chip is implanted, it stays in place by bonding with the surrounding tissue. The microchip is passive and does not require any power source. It remains inactive until it is scanned by a microchip reader, which sends a radio wave through the skin to power the chip. The chip then transmits the unique identification number back to the scanner.

What are the Benefits of Microchipping Your Dog?


There are numerous benefits of microchipping your dog. First, it provides a reliable way to identify your pet if they ever get lost. Research shows that microchipped dogs are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners if they get lost compared to dogs without microchips.

Another benefit of pet microchipping is that it's permanent. Unlike collars and tags, which can fall off or become unreadable over time, a microchip lasts for the lifetime of your pet. Also, it's a widely accepted form of identification. Vets, animal shelters, and rescue groups around the world are equipped with scanners to read these microchips.

Lastly, microchipping offers peace of mind. Knowing that your dog carries a form of permanent identification can relieve the stress and worry often associated with the thought of losing your beloved pet.

Are there Side Effects of Microchipping?


Despite the numerous benefits, there are potential side effects of microchipping in dogs that pet owners need to be aware of. These side effects, however, are rare and usually minor.

Some dogs may experience temporary discomfort or swelling at the injection site. This usually subsides within a couple of hours or days. There is a small risk of infection, but this can be minimized with proper care and cleanliness during the procedure.

In extremely rare cases, the microchip can migrate from its original location. However, this does not affect the functionality of the chip. It can still be read by a scanner if it has moved to a different location under the skin.

The Importance of Regular Check-ups After Microchipping Your Dog


After your dog has been microchipped, regular check-ups are important to ensure the chip is functioning correctly. During regular vet visits, ask your vet to scan the chip to make sure it can still be read. This will give you peace of mind that the chip is still working and your pet can be properly identified.

Make sure your contact information linked to the microchip is up-to-date. If you move or change your phone number, update this information with the microchip company. It's also a good idea to have a backup contact, such as a friend or family member, linked to the chip.

Ensuring Your Pet’s Safety and Well-Being


Pet microchipping is a safe, effective, and responsible measure taken by pet owners to ensure the safety and well-being of their dogs. While there are potential side effects and misconceptions surrounding the technology, the reality is that the benefits far outweigh the risks. By educating ourselves and understanding the process, we can make informed decisions for our beloved pets.

For more information or if you are considering microchipping your dog for their safety and your peace of mind, visit Santa Monica Pet Medical Center at our office in Santa Monica, California. Call (310) 393-8218 to schedule an appointment today.

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