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Is it Too Late to Spay or Neuter My Dog?

If you have had a pet for a long time and have not had them spayed or neutered, you may wonder if it is too late. However, many vets have performed the procedure on many senior pets safely. The procedure's benefits for an older dog are not the same as those of a puppy, but there are considerable benefits that make having the procedure worth it.

You can talk to your vet for guidance on spaying or neutering your dog at its age. They will guide you on what you need to do to prepare. Read on if you want to learn more about spaying and neutering older dogs.

Is it Too Late?


The recommended time to spay or neuter a dog is six to nine months. But if your dog is healthy, there is no specific age limit to having the procedure done.

Spaying or neutering is the process of removing the productive organs of the dog. It eliminates heat cycles and other events that the reproductive system influences. Vets will employ advanced techniques and anesthetics to ensure the procedure is painless and safe. Before the procedure, most vets will perform a bloodwork test to check if the dog's organs can handle the anesthetics.

Does Size or Weight Affect the Procedure?


The size of the dog or its weight does not play any part in influencing the procedure. The size will only affect the amount of anesthesia needed and the time it takes to suture after the procedure. If you are concerned about their weight, a dog's minimum weight is two pounds. There is no maximum weight required or restricted. 

However, age can affect the process if your dog is too young, and they haven't started their vaccinations. The risks come from anesthesia for the younger dogs. Older dogs have more mature bodies and can handle the anesthesia quite well.

Main Reasons for Neutering or Spaying

  • It Helps Reduce Overpopulation


There is a very high population in almost every state and county of companion animals with no homes. Many of these places must ignore or disregard the suffering of these animals. In the United States, there are millions of these companion animals. 

Dogs are at least 15 times more prolific than humans, meaning they reproduce much faster. They have no problem increasing in numbers, but they have a problem with being too many. Neutering or spaying ensures there are just enough of them to find homes.


  • A Healthier Life


Spayed or neutered dogs have a longer lifespan of about one to three years. They are also at a lower risk of cancers related to the reproductive organs. Some diseases they avoid are pyometra, prostate, mammary gland, ovarian, uterine, and testicular cancers.


  • Better Pets


Sterilized pets spend more time at home and less time roaming outside. It means they get hurt less and do not get infections from other animals as easily. About 85 percent of dogs hit by cars have not gone through sterilization. 

For more on neutering dogs, visit Santa Monica Pet Medical Center at our office in Santa Monica, California. Call (310) 393-8218 to book an appointment today.

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