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Santa Monica Pet Medical Center Blog

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Pet’s Health

The perfect time to start afresh and set new goals is the New Year. You probably set goals for 2022, such as eating healthy, working out, being a better worker, or losing weight. These are all worthy and beneficial resolutions. But when it comes to setting New Year resolutions, many people tend to overlook their pets. 

Your Complete Guide to First-Year Puppy Vaccinations

Just like human babies, puppies need vaccination to boost their immunity. Vaccines help them grow into happy, healthy dogs, free of infectious diseases. The puppies will also not pass on diseases to other animals.

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations

Vaccines help protect your pets against contagious diseases, some of which are potentially fatal. They help keep your pet healthy and comfortable. Most vets insist on periodical vaccination as an aspect of pet care.

Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

If you have pets, you want them to be safe. Conscientious pet owners protect their pets using ID tags and collars in case their pets get lost. While these measures help locate lost pets, using ID tags and collars is not foolproof as they can fall off or break with ease. Thanks to innovation, pets now can have microchip protection.

How Often Should My Pet Get A Wellness Exam?

Wellness exams can play a crucial role in ensuring that your pet stays in good health. They also allow for quick treatment should your pet encounter any serious health issues. By taking your pet to the vet for regular check-ups, you are able to make the most informed decisions about the care you'll provide for them to best suit their individual needs.

At What Age Should Dogs Get Their Teeth Cleaned?

Since pets are considered members of the family, it follows that you take care of them just like a family member. Good dental hygiene is as essential for pets as it is for people. Teeth cleaning is important for your dog's health as it helps keep chronic health issues at bay. Many dog owners understand that their pets will need teeth cleaning sooner or later, but at what age should they start?

Bringing Home a New Puppy: How to Prepare

Bringing a puppy home is an exciting feeling. However, it is vital to know that bringing a puppy home is not just a matter of picking up the dog and putting him or her in your car, then driving them home. Before your puppy arrives, you will need to prepare.

Parasite Prevention in the Summer Months

Summer is a time when parasites are more active in pets. According to the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, you should be more active in preventing parasites during the hot months. Outdoor activities make your pet susceptible to taking home internal and external parasites.

10 Common Dog Health Problems

Being a responsible pet owner means knowing when there is something not quite right with your pet. Dogs, like all animals, can develop health problems. Here is a list of 10 of the most common dog health problems you will see along the way.

Helpful Tips for Exercising With Your Pets

For long life and good health, pets need exercise and activity as much as people do. As many people struggle to do their exercise routines, they don't realize their pets need their help to get the right amount of activity.

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