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Santa Monica Pet Medical Center Blog

When and Why: A Guide to the Timing of Core Vaccinations for Pets

Core vaccinations are a series of immunizations that are essential for the health of your pet. They are designed to protect against common, serious diseases that can have severe consequences if left untreated.

Paw-sitive Parenting: Raising Well-Behaved and Socialized Pets

If you've brought a new furry friend into your home or are considering doing so, you're probably excited and perhaps a little overwhelmed. It's a joyous journey, but it also requires a lot of responsibility.

What to Expect During a Pet Acupuncture Session: Tips for Preparing Your Pet

Alternative therapies for pets have gained popularity in recent years. One such therapy is acupuncture, adopted from traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the insertion of fine needles into particular points on the body to stimulate healing and balance.

Common Pet Skin Conditions That Require a Veterinary Dermatologist's Expertise

Pets can experience different skin conditions that cause discomfort and distress. Some issues may resolve on their own, but others need professional help.

From Anxiety to Arthritis: How to Spot Signs of Health Issues in Your Dog

Canine arthritis is a progressive disease that affects the joints and can be very painful for your dog. Unfortunately, the condition has no cure, but it is manageable.

Flea and Tick Prevention: The Best Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe and Comfortable

As a dog parent, you want to provide security and comfort for your canine companion. However, the threat of parasites is one of the main worries for dog owners. Besides being annoying, these bugs can infect your furry friend with diseases. Fortunately, there are various strategies to avoid fleas and ticks while also maintaining the health and happiness of your dog.

How Do You Treat a Dog's Ear Hematoma?

Do you have a canine companion? If so, you understand the happiness and comfort that your four-legged buddy offers to your life. Yet, like you, your furry friend can experience health issues, including ear hematomas. 

Should I Take My Dog to the Vet for Allergies?

The American Veterinary Medical Association suggests bringing your pet in for allergy treatments. Sometimes, the level of discomfort can be intolerable for your dog. Seeing your vet as soon as possible can ensure your pet’s health and safety. Here are the signs you must bring your canine friend to the vet for allergy symptoms. 

The Benefits of a New Year's Resolution for Your Pet: How to Improve Their Health and Well-being

It takes significant time and effort to care for a pet; hence, you should not take the commitment lightly. As the new year comes close, you can resolve to take better care of your pet. Various animal breeds and varieties have different care needs. 

5 Signs Your Pet Is in Pain

When a person is experiencing pain, they can communicate and complain about their discomfort. You can lie down or yell out when hit by something like a stone. Unfortunately, reading whether your pet is in pain may not be that easy. They cannot talk or tell their owners of their discomfort. 

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